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Life as a #MediaNunReturn
This week, get to know Sr. Mary Stephen! Originally from Texas, and currently stationed in Boston, Sr. Stephen has been a Daughter of St. Paul for more than 60 years and has worked in many areas of the Pauline apostolate. And make sure you check out her three-part advice for discerners at the end! What is your name? Sr. Mary StephenWhere are you from originally? South Central TexasHow long have you been a Sister? 65 yearsBriefly, how did you meet the Daughters of St. Paul? Through my parish...
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Wow! We're almost a whole month in to 2020 already! There's been a lot happening around our convents, and lots more coming up! What's Been Happening:January 1: We brought in the New Year, as we always do, with Eucharistic Adoration until midnight on New Year's Eve. Bl. James Alberione received the inspiration to found our community in Eucharistic Adoration on New Year's Eve, 1900-1901. Around the world, Daughters of St. Paul gather in adoration to thank Jesus the Divine ...
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Every year, ten to twelve Daughters of St. Paul from all over the United States gather at our motherhouse in Boston. They spend the days immediately before and after Thanksgiving in our sound studio, rehearsing…Christmas songs! They learn the harmonies, practice the choreography, dig out the red scarves, and get ready to go on the road for our annual Christmas concert tour. Why a Christmas concert tour? Well, we Daughters of St. Paul exist to proclaim the Gospel both through our live...
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Our Sisters are often called upon to appear on podcasts, radio, and TV, or to be interviewed by various news outlets and social media personalities. We’re always happy about this for a few reasons. First, it gives us an opportunity to share the good news of God’s love in our life and in our community. We love getting the Good News out there!Second, it also gives us an opportunity to personally meet, interact with, and pray for those who work in the media. This is a key part of o...
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This week, meet Sr. Mary Margaret! Currently stationed in Boston, Sr. Mary Margaret has LOTS of experience as a Daughter of St. Paul. She has traveled all over the country (and the world!) and has great advice for living a life of prayer and discernment. She is a woman of deep prayer, and among her Sisters, she is famous for her love of popcorn!What is your name? Sr Mary MargaretWhere are you from originally? Rochester, NYHow long have you been a Sister? I have been in the convent for 63 years, ...
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We'd love for you to get to know our Sisters! This week, meet Sr. Paula Marie, originally from Massachusetts and currently stationed in our community in Boston (with a few exotic stops along the way!). She's a wonderful storyteller, and she's got some great discernment advice!
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We'd love for you to get to know our Sisters! This week, meet Sr. Andrew Marie, originally from Houston, Texas, and currently stationed in our community in San Antonio! You can follow her on Twitter and Instagram at @SrAndrewFSP.What is your name? Sr. Andrew MarieWhere are you from originally? Houston, Texas (Howdy!) How long have you been a Sister? I’ve been a Sister for almost 10 years.Briefly, how did you meet the Daughters of St. Paul? I first found out about our community through ...
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What is Advent like in the convent? …is not a question that anyone has ever asked me, now that I think about it. But some of you might be curious! So let me share a few of the hallmarks of Advent in a Daughters of St. Paul convent.
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Sister Maria Grace Dateno gives us the "inside scoop" on living in a religious community, sharing why she finds community life a treasure...even when it's difficult.
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The personal reflection of brand-new perpetually professed #MediaNun, Sister Emily Beata, FSP
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Rejoice with us and with the Church at Sr. Emily Beata's Perpetual Profession of the vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience, as a Daughter of Saint Paul, dedicating herself to Christ the Master and to communicating Christ's love to all the world through the media!
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A free magazine of vocation stories from the #MediaNuns
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As Daughters of Saint Paul, our prayer is centered around the Eucharist and the Word of God.
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Every Daughter of Saint Paul would describer her Pauline vocation a bit differently. Here are a few "takes" that try to grasp the heart of what it means to be a Pauline sister.
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How did St. Paul--a first century follower of Christ--become the patron of a community of women religious who work within the digital culture of communications two thousand years later?
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Each religious congregation has a unique identity, a unique charism. The Pauline Sisters' charism is to live and become Jesus Christ for the world, and to communicate him to every person through all the means of communication.
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