What Makes the Daughters of St. Paul Unique?

Each religious congregation has a unique identity that is formed by its founders, its history, its charism (spirituality and mission), and its members. The life of a Daughter of St. Paul is distinctive in several ways, for each sister is called:

  • To live an authentic and profound relationship with Jesus who is the Way, Truth, and Life, allowing Jesus to transform her so that she can share her experience of Christ with others
  • To dedicate her whole being to communicate Christ through the media: to listen to the heartaches of humanity and to respond with the Gospel in a way that is accessible and relevant to ordinary people and their needs today
  • To blend contemplation and mission in an integrated lifestyle that brings the needs of humanity to Jesus in the Eucharist and then brings the Eucharistic Master to the world 
  • To attentively dialogue with others—with men and women of all cultures, languages, and religions—and to transparently and fearlessly offer the Gospel of hope so that society may be transformed

Sr. Margaret Michael explains our unique charism as Daughters of Saint Paul: 





Mary is Mother, Teacher, and Queen

Mary is Mother, Teacher, and Queen

August is traditionally known as the “month of heaven,” because during August we celebra...

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3 Easy Ways To Nurture Your Vocation

3 Easy Ways To Nurture Your Vocation

  This page has moved to our new website. If you are not redirected automatical...

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Meet Sister Patricia!

Meet Sister Patricia!

I believe God can call you to religious life at any age, in any way. He began calling me when I was ...

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How Mary Became Real to Me

How Mary Became Real to Me

May is the month traditionally dedicated to the Blessed Mother.This May, I’m really looking fo...

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A Meditation with Saint Paul

A Meditation with Saint Paul

This Saturday, we will celebrate the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul. This feast calls us to liv...

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A new #MediaNuns "Forever Yes"!

A new #MediaNuns "Forever Yes"!

Rejoice with us and with the Church at Sr. Emily Beata's Perpetual Profession of the vows of cha...

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The Daughters of St. Paul: A presence of hope in today's world, is a digital magazine that gives you all the quick facts about us in image and words: who we are, our spirituality, our mission, plus interviews with four sisters who share what inspires them in their vocation, how they discerned, and what Pauline life is like for them now. 



Stay  in touch with our #MediaNuns social media feeds to catch an "inside" glimpse into life as a Daughter of St. Paul!