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Wow! We're almost a whole month in to 2020 already! There's been a lot happening around our convents, and lots more coming up! What's Been Happening:January 1: We brought in the New Year, as we always do, with Eucharistic Adoration until midnight on New Year's Eve. Bl. James Alberione received the inspiration to found our community in Eucharistic Adoration on New Year's Eve, 1900-1901. Around the world, Daughters of St. Paul gather in adoration to thank Jesus the Divine ...
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Every year, ten to twelve Daughters of St. Paul from all over the United States gather at our motherhouse in Boston. They spend the days immediately before and after Thanksgiving in our sound studio, rehearsing…Christmas songs! They learn the harmonies, practice the choreography, dig out the red scarves, and get ready to go on the road for our annual Christmas concert tour. Why a Christmas concert tour? Well, we Daughters of St. Paul exist to proclaim the Gospel both through our live...
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On May 18, 2019, in Nyeri, Kenya, Sr. Jackie Jean-Marie made her perpetual profession of vows as a Daughter of St. Paul! Sr. Jackie is originally from Kenya, but entered the Daughters of St. Paul in the United States. At her perpetual profession, she received her mandate from Sr Donna, our provincial superior, to serve in our community in New Orleans, Louisiana!Perpetual profession is the commitment to live the vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience as a Daughter of St. Paul forever. It is the...
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St. Paul Summer Program 2019!We invite young women entering, currently in, or just finishing high school who want to learn more about the vocation to the religious life to consider our St. Paul Summer Program! This year’s summer program will take place Thursday, July 25-Tuesday, July 30, 2019 at our Novitiate House in Boston. The program includes daily Mass and Adoration, Morning and Evening Prayer with the community, an experience of our mission in our publishing house, writing and art tr...
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Living Holy Week in the convent is a special experience of intimacy with Jesus. This Holy Week, we ask you to pray for the five young women who have joined us for our Holy Week Discernment Retreat. We will be praying for you throughout the Triduum, and we hope you enjoy this brief Holy Week reflection from our Founder, Blessed James Alberione.Be compassionate towards others; this is the second commandment: love one another. In these days the Church invites us to consider the Crucified Jesus. Thi...
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"Salvation" is a big word...but in reality, it is a very daily concept. Salvation takes place precisely in our day-to-day lives. Sr. Christina Miriam wrote about this for the Boston College newspaper:"As you spend these days of Lent, consider the ways you have experienced the salvation of the Lord in your life. Where do you see the providence of the Lord? Where has the mercy of God touch you? ...As we journey toward Easter, are there aspects of your life and heart that are crying ...
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The Daughters of St. Paul Holy Week Discernment Retreat!We invite single young women ages 18-33 who are discerning a vocation to the religious life are invited to consider our Holy Week Discernment Retreat 2019! The retreat will take place Wednesday, April 17-Monday, April 22, 2019 at our Novitiate House in Boston. It includes Mass, community prayer, Eucharistic Adoration, a silent retreat day on Good Friday, conferences, an experience of our mission, the celebrations of the Sacred Triduum and E...
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“I am the servant of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word” (Luke 1:38). These familiar words of the Blessed Mother are on the lips of millions of young people this week as World Youth Day is celebrated in Panama, January 22 to January 27. This theme is reflected in the official theme song for World Youth Day, Hágase en Mí Según Tu Palabra (Let Your Will Be Done in Me):He aquí la sierva del SeñorHágase en mí segú...
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The Sisters are now accepting applications to our 2018 Saint Paul Summer Program, reserved for young women in high school who would like an unforgettable experience of faith, media, discernment, and friendship with the Lord and others!
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A quick introduction to the Daughters of Saint Paul and overview of the website.
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