What is your name? Sr. Paula Marie Splaine
Where are you from originally? Worcester, MA
How long have you been a Sister? Almost 56 years
Briefly, how did you meet the Daughters of St. Paul? At a vocational fair held in our city hall
What are some assignments you’ve had as a Daughter of St. Paul? I have been assigned to: San Diego, Oakland, Philadelphia, Staten Island, New Orleans, Taiwan (!!!), Honolulu, and Boston
What is one thing you have done as a Sister that you never thought you’d do? I never thought I would end up 20 years in Taiwan! And I never thought I would travel so much.
Where is one place you have gone as a Sister that you never thought you’d go? Another place I never visualized myself to be stationed was for 8 years in New York.
Do you have a brief “mission moment” that you could share (a brief story of how our Pauline mission has touched a life)? It’s hard for me to tell a “brief” story :) but I’ll never forget how a lady was listening to a Chinese Sister I was out on mission with. The lady had what looked to me like a “thirst” (to hear more and more)—and she was a Buddhist!
Do you have a favorite ice cream flavor? Can’t decide—coffee or maple walnut
A favorite snack? Oreo cookies
What is your favorite place where you have been stationed? Why? San Diego, CA—the weather was tops!
Are you a morning person or a night person? A night person
Coffee or tea? Either
What is your favorite Scripture verse? Matthew 11:28—“Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.”
What is your favorite quote from Fr. Alberione or Mother Thecla? “Heaven is always a bargain, no matter what it costs.” –Fr. Alberione
Do you have a favorite movie? Waking Ned Devine or Second Hand Lions—another tie!
What advice would you give to a young woman in discernment? Think often of how much God loves you—personally. Pray over it, and keep it between Jesus and yourself while you pray. Then Google—you can get a lot of info there. And ask the Daughters of St. Paul!
Board games or charades? Charades
Glasses or contacts? Glasses
Finish the sentence: “If I had a hundred lives….” :) Besides getting good and tired, I’d want to spend them all the way I’ve spent this one—but with more love…for God and for souls.