Mother Thecla's Words of Wisdom

February is "Mother Thecla Month" for the Daughters of St. Paul—the month when we remember the birthday (February 20) and the anniversary of death (February 5) of our co-foundress, Venerable Mother Thecla Merlo. Mother Thecla has much to teach us about drawing close to God, about listening to him and following his will for our lives, and about living in love. In her own words….


Trust: By myself I can do nothing, but with you everything is possible. You are my All. I have complete trust in you. Jesus, Mary, thank you for all the crosses, difficulties and sufferings you have sent me. I know they are all acts of love. May I do the holy will of God always and everywhere.


Humility: Let us keep ourselves little and place much trust in the goodness of the Lord.


Faith: Sometimes we have little faith, little spirit of faith. We reason in a human way, ‘from the rooftop down.’ Instead, we must become more supernatural. We need a greater spirit of faith so as to reason ‘from the rooftop up,’ that is, in a spiritual way. Even when speaking among ourselves, it should be clear that we are inspired – I would almost say permeated – by a spirit of faith. For the rest, what should we do, how should we reason, if not in view of heaven, the homeland that awaits us? One day we will arrive there and all will be well.


Presence of God: God is within me and outside of me; I really live in God. When I’m asleep, the Lord is close to me. When I take a walk, the Lord is with me. The Lord never abandons me. We must have great trust in this fact! The Lord tells us that he is always with us. In the Gospel, he adds: “even the hairs on your head are counted.”


Union with God: I desire to live a union with God as St. Paul proclaimed, “My life is Christ.” I want to do everything through Him, with Him, and in Him. May I stay united to Jesus with thoughts that are His, a will that is His. May I love God the Father above everything and be enriched with a love that sacrifices for others…. Today, more intensity of life with Jesus Master.


Prayer: We need to pray just like we need to breathe, we need prayer like we need water to live.


Totality: May every breath we take be an act of continual communion with God. With every breath we take, we want to say: Jesus is with us and we are with Jesus.


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The Daughters of St. Paul: A presence of hope in today's world, is a digital magazine that gives you all the quick facts about us in image and words: who we are, our spirituality, our mission, plus interviews with four sisters who share what inspires them in their vocation, how they discerned, and what Pauline life is like for them now. 



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