Meet Sr. Mary Peter!

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This week, meet Sr. Mary Peter! Originally from Ohio, Sr. Peter has been stationed everywhere from Alaska to Hawaii and back! She has worked in our bookcenters, on parish evangelization, with our Pauline Cooperators, and much more. She is praying for you!


What is your name? Sr. Mary Peter

Where are you from originally? Youngstown, OH

How long have you been a Sister? 59 years (I entered on June 15, 1960)

Briefly, how did you meet the Daughters of St. Paul? I met the Daughters of St. Paul in their bookcenter [in Youngstown]. My sister Elaine worked in the same building [as the bookcenter] and I had to wait for her to go home.

What are some assignments you’ve had as a Daughter of St. Paul? I’ve been a bookcenter Sister in Alaska; Alexandria, VA; Buffalo; San Antonio; Hawaii; New York City; Philadelphia; and Florida.

What is one thing you have done as a Sister that you never thought you’d do? I never thought I’d ever be the MC at a lunch with over 500 people present!

Where is one place you have gone as a Sister that you never thought you’d go? Alaska and Hawaii (and Guam and Samoa)

Do you have a brief “mission moment” that you could share (a brief story of how our Pauline mission has touched a life)? By corresponding via letters, a lady became Catholic. She still keeps in touch via mail.

Do you have a favorite ice cream flavor? Maple walnut

A favorite snack? Chocolate in any form =)

What is your favorite place where you have been stationed? It is hard to choose—Hawaii or New York

Are you a morning person or a night person? I’m becoming more of a night person

What is your favorite Scripture verse? Romans 8:28—"We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.”

What is your favorite quote from Fr. Alberione or Mother Thecla? “The apostle is one who carries God in her own soul and irradiates him to all those around her.” (Bl. James Alberione)

Do you have a favorite movie? A Man for All Seasons

Board games or charades? Charades (more creativity)

Finish the sentence: “If I had a hundred lives….” O Lord, I’d give all to you!


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The Daughters of St. Paul: A presence of hope in today's world, is a digital magazine that gives you all the quick facts about us in image and words: who we are, our spirituality, our mission, plus interviews with four sisters who share what inspires them in their vocation, how they discerned, and what Pauline life is like for them now. 



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