Arise, Go On Your Journey

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“Arise, go on your journey, trusting in the Promise.”


This is a very special month for us. From September 5 to October 5, 2019, our 11th General Chapter is taking place in Rome. The General Chapter is a congregation-wide meeting that takes place every six years. It reflects on the past six years, sets goals for the upcoming six years, and elects the new Mother General and General Government for the congregation. Needless to say, it’s pretty important!

Sixty Sisters are participating in this General Chapter, representing all the countries we are present in throughout the world (including three Sisters from the United States). Our theme is inspired by the expression of covenant in the book of Deuteronomy: “Arise, go on your journey, trusting in the Promise.”


“What does God want to do with us today?  Where does the Spirit, the true Protagonist of our mission, want to lead us? How should we manifest Pauline prophecy in response to the appeals the Lord is making to us in this hour of the world’s history? How should we recommence our journey, trusting in the promise of fidelity, grace and fruitfulness that Fr. Alberione received in a “dream” and that today still nourishes our own dream to accomplish something new?”
-Explanation of the Chapter Theme

“It has…been said that a Chapter is an epiclesis–a continual invocation of the Spirit. Let us allow ourselves to be borne aloft by his sweet breeze, continually invoking in our hearts ‘the coming of the wind and fire of the Creator Spirit’ so that he might regenerate us and enable new life to blossom in us.”
-Sr. Anna Maria (current Mother General)


These words from the explanation of the Chapter theme and from Sr. Anna Maria’s opening address express our hopes and dreams as we enter into this important congregational moment. We humbly ask your prayers during this month, that we may be open to how the Holy Spirit wants to guide us, inspire us, and lead us. We are praying the Prayer to the Holy Spirit every day (below), and we invite you to join us.

You can also follow the events of the Chapter on the Chapter website—new photos are being posted every day! We are praying for you, too, that the Lord may show you how he is inviting you to “arise, go on your journey, trusting in the Promise.”


Prayer to the Holy Spirit for the 11th General Chapter

Divine Holy Spirit,
eternal love of the Father and of the Son,
we adore you, we thank you, we love you.
Come to us, dwell in us,
let us savor the joy of our vocation.

Spirit of Truth,
present and active in us,
grant us the wisdom of the prophets,
the courage of Paul,
the faith of Mary, Alberione and Thecla.
Help us rediscover the power
of prophetic proclamation.
Enlighten our minds, guide us, direct us.

Creator Spirit,
give us the ability to dream
and to manifest your innovations
within our Congregation,
our communities and ourselves.

Life-giving Spirit,
guardian of the divine life in us,
illumine our path.
Revive our hope, banish our fears,
fill our hearts with complete trust in God,
who is faithful. Amen.


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The Daughters of St. Paul: A presence of hope in today's world, is a digital magazine that gives you all the quick facts about us in image and words: who we are, our spirituality, our mission, plus interviews with four sisters who share what inspires them in their vocation, how they discerned, and what Pauline life is like for them now. 



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