God works individually with each one of us, so every sister would probably answer this question differently. If you asked a happily married couple: “How did you know it was him?” or: “How did you know it was her?” no two answers would be exactly the same. Each sister’s vocation story is also unique.
Some sisters always wanted to be a sister, and they just followed this deep desire in a gradual journey. Others felt God’s call but resisted until they received a sudden insight, intuition, or experience of God’s irresistible love. Still others never considered a vocation to religious life until another suggested it to them. Some young people become aware of God’s invitation in prayer; for others, it is in service that they recognize that they are called to serve God through a life totally consecrated to Christ. Often, the call involves a deep desire for “more” in life, a thirst for a deeper relationship with God, and a desire to serve. For many sisters, openness to doing God’s will crystallized gradually into a concrete understanding of how to live God’s will—an understanding that resonated with their deepest desires. This understanding is deepened and affirmed throughout a young woman’s journey of discernment and formation.
Whatever your vocation is, your “vocation story” will be unique too, because each of us comes to know God’s love and invitation in our lives a bit differently. That’s why discernment is so important. Discernment is a spiritual practice that helps us listen to how God speaks to each of us, personally, here and now.
If you are wondering about God’s plan for your life, you can begin your journey of discernment simply by trying to listen to God during your prayer. Discernment is a spiritual art that benefits from such helps as praying with the Word of God, participating in Mass and the sacrament of Penance, spiritual direction, etc. You may want to check out our discernment app here.
Sr. Margaret Michael, FSP, shares some beautiful insights about the big question: "How do I know?" She reminds us how important it is to truly listen to how God is speaking in our lives.
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I believe God can call you to religious life at any age, in any way. He began calling me when I was ...
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The Daughters of St. Paul: A presence of hope in today's world, is a digital magazine that gives you all the quick facts about us in image and words: who we are, our spirituality, our mission, plus interviews with four sisters who share what inspires them in their vocation, how they discerned, and what Pauline life is like for them now.
if you want to talk to a sister about your vocation discernment.
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